Do you ever wonder where the air comes from in your tank?
We just purchased a new compressor to fill more tanks more often, which got us thinking... How much do divers know about where their air comes from?
When we asked some of our guests that were new divers where they thought the air came from, we discovered that many were unaware of how their air supply is managed. It was surprising to learn that some were unaware of the daily tank refilling and that the air combines different gases. Additionally, many divers were unaware of the importance of regularly changing the compressor's filter.
The air in scuba diving tanks is compressed air that comes from a compressor and combines oxygen and nitrogen. Before air is delivered to a scuba tank, a filtration system removes impurities and moisture.

Scuba diving compressors play a vital role in providing the air supply necessary for diving. As a responsible dive centre, we understand the significance of maintaining all equipment, particularly those essential for our customers' safety and well-being. We take every measure to ensure that our compressors are in pristine condition, including regular filter replacements to guarantee clean air without impurities. Additionally, our compressors are serviced regularly by trained professionals who meticulously check for any potential safety issues and
address them promptly.
Suppose you have any concerns about air quality or safety practices. In that case, you should always feel comfortable asking questions with the dive centre you are diving with, and you are always more than welcome to drop us a message if you would like more information.